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Movie Review: Clash Of The Titans

I'll just come right out and say it: the movie has many flaws but I go to a movie to enjoy, and I found this one to be entertaining enough. At best, it was your typical yet decently made action movie.

The plot of this film was extremely straightforward - practically to a fault. Often, the movie acted as though it was in a rush, attempting to get from one action sequence to the next as quickly as possible. There were too many things going on that it somehow dumbed down to a switch-off-your-brain type of film. Sure, the film never really dragged, but I felt disconnected with the story.

I mean, some scenes that occur in between each of these battles ultimately amounted to nothing more than brief segments of interaction delivered by the characters. I thought that there was a very little downtime and I needed that if not to connect to the characters, then to, at least, feel that I was watching real people and not just a mere CGI-fest.

Generally, the movie relied on heavy-handed, mind-numbing action extravaganza that none of them ended up being particularly memorable. Some of it were even disorienting.

On top of that, a lot of the characters were hardly developed. Outside of Worthington's character, I never really cared about the others. To me, the rest of the cast were treated as just nothing but footnotes - bare and emotionless.

I have to say though that the acting was pretty decent. It was nothing Oscar worthy, but I thought most of them gave passable performances. Sam Worthington, in particular, was certainly believable as the lead.

On a techical standpoint, the movie was a visual feast! However, with a couple of gaping plot holes, sketchy dialogues, and acting that failed to leave much of an impression, I don't think this will be one memorable action flick.

That said, if you go into this film not expecting much more than an action extravaganza, then I think you'll pretty much enjoy most of it. I did. Oh, and will it help if I say that this film is better than Percy Jackson? Haha.

Movie Review: Clash Of The Titans Reviewed by DAM on 12:42 AM Rating: 5

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