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Movie Review: Hotel Transylvania

Hotel Transylvania may not be the best animated film ever, but it's quite entertaining. Visually, the film was stunning. The colors were vibrant, I found the animation to be really crisp and had a certain vivid visual style. I also like the character designs, which actually reminded me of Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. I'd like to think that, somehow, the good visuals compensated for the film's shortcomings because the success of it's humor were erratic and the story was very predictable. I have no problems with a formulaic flicks because if done right it can easily lead to an enjoyable film. However, for a genre that had set the bar ridiculously high, I'm not so sure if it can even be at par.

Movie Review: Hotel Transylvania Reviewed by DAM on 6:29 PM Rating: 5

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