Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2015: #10 The Trouble With Love Is - Clark Beckham / American Idol 14

Clark Beckham
American Idol 14
Was this really Clark's most polarizing performance? The jury members were divided with The Trouble With Love Is posting the second highest standard deviation this year. Ten [10] people put him, at the very least, in the Top 10 - three [3] of which ranked him second - and the rest just dropped the performance at the lower tier of the lot. Not sure if it was the obscure song choice from Kelly Clarkson catalog, but for what it's worth, this was probably one of the more riveting performances of the season especially when he opened up towards the end. The passion and intensity was just seeping through his vocals.
Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2015: #10 The Trouble With Love Is - Clark Beckham / American Idol 14
Reviewed by DAM
4:30 AM

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