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The Voice US 13: Sneak Peek

The Voice US Season 13 is fast approaching - already? - and here's a preview of what to expect. To be perfectly honest, I initially wanted to hate on this just because my beloved Jennifer Hudson agreed to coach on the US version of the show that dragged and dissed American Idol for a long time after it surpassed the once giant reality show in terms of ratings. But I digress.

There's something inherently fresh with this dynamics and I'm all for it. Maybe because there's a new face on the panel, which made things exciting - the same feeling I got when Miley Cyrus and Alicia Keys started on the show. So yes, I will give this a shot. Besides, Jennifer Hudson won in the UK version of the show early this year. Let's see.

The Voice US 13: Sneak Peek Reviewed by DAM on 7:05 PM Rating: 5

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