Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2017: #22 Scared To Be Lonely - Kim Wigaard Johansen / The Voice Norway

Kim Wigaard Johansen | The Voice Norway
There's something to be said about how Kim Wigaard Johansen grabbed ahold of a dance track, flipped it, and delivered it with simplicity and beauty. The way he shifted the phrasing of a lyric to give it his own special interpretation was interesting, not to mention a masterful use of his head tone as what some of the jury reiterated a couple of times. For someone who didn't survive past the battle rounds of this year's The Voice Norway, raking in twelve (12) jury members to put the performance in their Top 15 was an impressive feat.

Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2017: #22 Scared To Be Lonely - Kim Wigaard Johansen / The Voice Norway
Reviewed by DAM
2:30 AM

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