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Movie Review: Tag

While unlikely to ever be regarded as a classic, Tag was a refreshingly high concept movie, which is far and away one of the better comedy films to come our way this year. This hilarious crazy comedy had a sharp script, a tightly structured story, and clever direction. The humor was also really good, nothing too highbrow but not too crass either, which was quite fascinating. That said, this movie really lived and died by its cast, and thankfully, this was a top-notch ensemble. Isla Fisher and Leslie Bibb, in particular, were hysterical. Jeremy Renner was so incredibly agile that I found his bit brilliant, while Jon Hamm was surprisingly funny. It had a hard time though when the film tried to be serious - the transition was almost too jarring - but I digress. Tag was a genuine blast and an entertaining film from start to finish. Far from being a game changer, but far from being a complete dud as well. It was, at the very least, an amusing diversion.

Movie Review: Tag Reviewed by DAM on 10:15 PM Rating: 5

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