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Movie Review: Frozen 2

Frozen 2 was that animated sequel no one asked for. Haha. Okay, I'm kidding. Sort of. But while this will surely be a big hit with kids, Frozen 2 genuinely felt like a completely irrelevant cash grab. Visually, the film was absolutely striking with animation and character design looking incredibly spectacular and it had some funny moments, but that's about it. The story felt random and boring, the humor was inconsistent, the soundtrack wasn't as memorable - Kristoff's song, in particular, while good came of so out of place - and the final act was downright awful. It felt so rushed that I hated how things unfolded towards the end and how all of it felt unearned and convenient. Also, Olaf was, as usual, annoying af. Frozen 2 had no real purpose to exist. It was lovely to look at, but it just didn't have much going for it. It left me cold to say the least. Heh.

Movie Review: Frozen 2 Reviewed by DAM on 10:50 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Well clearly this movie wasn't made FOR you and was obviously made for kids. �� I didn't like it that much, but I appreciate that it was done because it's a sequel that gave us a bit of Arendalle's history. The way I see it, there's still room for a part 3. I would at least rate this movie a 3 or a 4.


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