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Movie Review: Just Go With It

I've seen a couple of Adam Sandler flicks and just like a lot of his comedies, this one managed to be very funny without actually being all that good. Yes, that's a good thing! Haha.

Sure, the premise was obviously thin and the narrative was astoundingly conventional, but it had more jokes thrown at me in 30 seconds than most comedy films had in 10 minutes. It was like an exorcism of jokes - one after the other. Haha. I really found myself laughing more often than I thought I was going to. It was hysterical!

So while this movie didn't blow me away with an incredible script or mind blowing plot, I really thought that the film's appeal and humor was actually strengthened by its cast. Truth be told, having a sassy Jennifer Aniston to knock Adam Sandler down a peg worked remarkably well. No, I didn't see enough chemistry between them, but as individuals, I really thought they portrayed their roles really well.

The supporting cast were also surprisingly good. Special mention to Nicole Kidman who - though one-dimensional - was insanely hilarious, it almost made me uncomfortable. Ha! I could've done it without Nick Swardson's character of Eddie though. I mean, his annoying accent and his inappropriate jokes were completely unnecessary - he's not even that funny! Sorry.

Overall, this was a nicely done feel good movie. True, the story wasn't the most challenging but from the toilet humor to ridiculous accents and plastic surgery sight gags to dead pan kids and somebody dropping the bionic elbow on a sick sheep, this film threw everything right in front of me. It's silly, but just go with it! It would be really dumb to be critical about it. Just saying.

Movie Review: Just Go With It Reviewed by DAM on 2:49 AM Rating: 5

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