Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2019: #2 Lovely - Zeek Power and Lara Dabbagh / The Voice Australia

Zeek Power and Lara Dabbagh | The Voice Australia
Slick. Modern. Lovely. Both took possession of the song completely capturing the emotional drama of the lyrics and the plaintive flow of the melody, without a single botched note. Their harmonies were tighter than an ER nurse's tourniquet, the vocal dexterity, the exquisite phrasing, the deft use of falsetto, the pleasing restraint - it was all fantastic. It was almost as if every musical decision between them was flawless. In fact, Lovely convinced four (4) of the jury to put them at the top of their lists and with only five (5) of the entire panel not putting the performance into their Top 25. Also, this was the highest performing duet/battle on ORSS. Not too shabby.
Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2019: #2 Lovely - Zeek Power and Lara Dabbagh / The Voice Australia
Reviewed by DAM
12:33 PM

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