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Movie Review: Looper

Let me just cut right to the chase, Looper was awesome! In an era where most Hollywood movies are a sequel of an adaptation of a remake - it's silly, I know. Haha - it's pretty refreshing to watch something original and something else to hold our imaginations. Looper was a breath of fresh air! It combined heart-stopping action, interesting premise and deep emotional conflicts, then wrapped them in a tight, perfectly edited and directed package, and kicked you with them in the face. Haha. Every shot, every angle, every sequence of this movie was stellar. Every plot twist, every line off their script was just genius. The script and pacing was done so well that everything was explained in a perfect amount of detail. True, it was a little complex than usual, but it was NEVER confusing. Plus, the performances were pitch perfect. Possibly one of the craftiest and satisfying films this year by leaps and bounds!

Movie Review: Looper Reviewed by DAM on 6:49 PM Rating: 5

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