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Movie Review: The Dark Tower

Where to even begin? I wasn't expecting much from the film - especially since I have not read the books - but The Dark Tower fell resounding flat. The visuals were mostly on point, but the polished presentation of the film was glaringly weighed down by unfocused narrative, terrible pacing and direction, unremarkably rushed action sequences, and slightly disjointed performances - Matthew McConaughey's character, for instance, wasn't particularly interesting or menacing for a villain and I wasn't sure if the problem was the writing or his actual performance. Suffice it to say, The Dark Tower was an overwhelmingly drab mess with no good story to back up the visuals. I expected, at the very least, to be mildly entertained, but nope, not this one.

Movie Review: The Dark Tower Reviewed by DAM on 7:43 PM Rating: 5

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