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Movie Review: Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Bigger, but not necessarily better. Kingsman: The Golden Circle was still a good action romp with plenty of thrills and spills, but it was so ambitious that the film lost focus and became a convoluted mess. The film covered familiar themes and narrative, and yet the pacing felt clunky relative to its predecessor as is took a lot of time exploring unimportant and irrelevant subplots - most of them could've been edited out and will not matter one bit. It was also loaded with contrivances and hit and miss humor that pulled me slightly out of the film.

It remained to be perfectly watchable though thanks to the exquisite visual imagery, impeccably choreographed fight scenes, and perfect scoring. Taron Egerton and Colin Firth were probably the best thing here and they were just glorious to watch. Kingsman: The Golden Circle was charming and aesthetically confident, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that this could've been a lot better.

Movie Review: Kingsman: The Golden Circle Reviewed by DAM on 1:54 AM Rating: 5

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