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Scandal: Season 7 (Final Season)

A former White House Communications Director starts her own crisis management firm only to realize her clients are not the only ones with secrets.

- Episode Guide and Rating -

Episode 1: Watch Me
Olivia must make a tough call to avoid an international incident 100 days into Mellie's presidency. Meanwhile, Quinn Perkins and Associates struggle to find their first client.

Episode 2: Pressing The Flesh
Mellie hosts a state dinner for President Rashad in a step toward peace in the Middle East, and Olivia secretly puts Jake to work so that they have a backup plan. Meanwhile, Quinn's team attend the party in an attempt to gain more high-profile clientele.

Episode 3: Day 101
Fitz stays in Vermont and hides from the limelight during the first 100 days of Mellie's presidency, adjusting to life as an ordinary citizen for the first time in years. Eventually, Marcus joins him to begin important work on his presidential library.

Episode 4: Lost Girls
While Liv is busy running the free world, the team at QPA works with an unexpected client to solve an important case. At the White House, Mellie prepares for the upcoming Nuclear Summit with President Rashad and Prime Minister Nazari.

Episode 5: Adventures In Babysitting
Olivia and Mellie assert their power like never before. Meanwhile, Cyrus seeks congressional approval to declare war in Bashran; and QPA keep close watch on President Rashad's niece.

Episode 6: Vampires and Bloodsuckers
Quinn and Charlie's big day is celebrated by the Gladiators. Meanwhile, Cyrus, Mellie and Jake deal with a new crisis in the Middle East.
Scandal: Season 7 (Final Season) Reviewed by DAM on 1:13 AM Rating: 5

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