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Movie Review: Call Me By Your Name

Just wonderful. Call Me By Your Name was simultaneously beautiful and captivating with striking moments and images that remained long after the perfect ending. Sure, it was purposefully meandering and tedious at times, but the film still worked mostly because of the terrific acting performances of the entire cast - Timothée Chalamet and Michael Stuhlbarg in particular - and an immensely realistic writing that it felt like I was watching a highly personal story and not a work of fiction.

The absence of any plot twist intricacies or major conflict with overbearing dramatics was quite refreshing, the lack of sound mix was pleasantly different, and there was something about the quiet and secluded town in Northern Italy that I found extremely gorgeous. Plus, the final act was quite powerful.

Call Me By Your Name wasn't perfect by any means as I did have some minor gripes with the story, but still, this was a highly immersive film that felt remarkably real, sensual, and almost impossible to ignore. And again, that ending.

Movie Review: Call Me By Your Name Reviewed by DAM on 2:57 PM Rating: 5

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