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Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2017: #4 Who's Lovin' You - Rebecca Noelle / The Voice Canada

Rebecca Noelle | The Voice Canada

Ok, so maybe this cover didn't deviate all that much from the original - or from the other covers we've all seen before - but there's no denying that Rebecca Noelle completely captured the emotional drama and the plaintive flow of the melody without a single botched note even with those astoundingly intricate vocal runs. There were plenty of technically outstanding artists this year, but this performance made one of the biggest splash with two (2) jury members ranking it as their best performance of the year and nine (9) more within their Top 5.

Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2017: #4 Who's Lovin' You - Rebecca Noelle / The Voice Canada Reviewed by DAM on 3:30 AM Rating: 5

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