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Movie Review: I Feel Pretty

Amy Schumer films have been pretty much a hit and miss for me, but while I Feel Pretty was a lot better than last year's godawful Snatched, one should go into it with tempered expectations. Sure, the film was extremely relatable and relevant, the conceit was quite clever, and Amy Schumer still had that brashness and swagger, which I enjoyed immensely, but the film was also heavily flawed. I thought the movie felt a little too long, the pacing was sluggish at times, it was terribly predictable, and the ending - maybe unintentionally? - contradicted the entire message of the film. As a comedy, it was rarely laugh-out-loud funny, but Amy Schumer's exuberance and brand of comedy somehow made up for it. Oh, and Michelle Williams was a hoot. I Feel Pretty was fine. It had some good moments, but I wouldn't necessarily force someone to watch it. Haha.

Movie Review: I Feel Pretty Reviewed by DAM on 6:36 PM Rating: 5

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