Year-End List 2010: 20 Best Movies

One thing though, I'm not particularly fond of independent films - just my personal preference - so better not bash me for not including most of them in this list. Also, it’s not physically and financially possible for me to go and watch ALL films that were released this year, so just chill. Haha. This is just for fun.
So, without further ado, DAM NATION presents the 20 Best Movies of 2010..

"Even with the early shock of seeing kids duke it out, everything was eventually made believable. Yes, it wasn't flawless but immensely entertaining.."

".. this is a movie that's hard not to like - unless, of course, if you personally have a problem with Michael Cera. Haha. Is Scott Pilgrim a perfect film? No, it most certainly has it's flaws. It is, however, possibly one of the most inventive and cleverly written, eye-popping and visually appealing action comedies.."

"With Bourne-like precision along with the Mr. and Mrs. Smith lightness, this was an awesome action flick that didn't rely on a lot of bloody violence just to make it good. The film had me enthralled and this somehow reminded me how much fun it actually is to hear old people joke around.."
"I genuinely enjoyed the movie because unlike many of the films out there, this one got spunk! It was that kind of movie that kept me on the edge of my seat and gave me a good adrenalin rush.."
"The quiet scenes were moving and poignant, the action sequences were startlingly violent and gripping and the final scene had that great nostalgia and emotional depth.."
"I thought the action sequences were very well shot and the fight choreography was bone crushingly good. The cinematography was classier than most movies under the same genre and the artwork and direction was nicely done. Moreover, the pacing of the film was unusually good.."
"Calling this film hilarious would be an understatement!! Who would've thought? Believe me, it was more than just a comedy film. On a superficial level, of course, the movie was beyond funny, but I thought that the storyline in itself was remarkably good and the script was on point.."
".. it did offer a great, original story that didn't pander to the audience, no matter what age. A movie with bucket loads of charm, personality and neat little jabs of humor for adults.."
".. just had the right doses of action, drama, romance, suspense and comedy scattered throughout the film. Technically and artistically, nothing was overkill and the story was well-told and well-paced.."
"Sweeping cinematography, immersing score, amazing acting performances and a screenplay that spares no pity for the inattentive. Haha. And knowing that this was a build-up to a sequel, I already am excited about what is to follow.."
"One long box. One man trapped inside. Roughly 90 minutes. To some extent, it was a tough movie to watch as it was both dark and depressing, but it was so impeccably directed, written, and acted that it's well worth the discomfort.."
"I personally thought that this was an interesting interpretation. I never really felt things got boring at any stage, which was refreshing. Yes, the storyline may be a little rushed and I would have liked a bit more time to explore the characters, but it worked fine for the movie.."
".. this film was just incredible on just about every level. I mean, without a doubt, this shockingly set the standard for possibly being the most visually stunning movie ever created this year. It's clearly a special effects extravaganza!"
"You know that rare feeling when you go out of the cinema SO excited at the film you've just watched? Well, it surely hits that sweet spot! Seriously. It just had something of everything - compelling characters, comedy, action and a little girl cursing and slicing off limbs. Haha. This movie isn't trying to be cool, it just is!"
"I never expected much from a DreamWorks film but this somehow made me want to re-think things over. Ha. Exhilarating action. Amazing visual effects. Gut-bustingly humorous characters. Compelling story.."
".. this was one of the most well crafted psychological thrillers in recent memory. From the first note of the score, to the last shot on the screen I was completely enthralled by this film. A film that made me question my own sanity.."
"Superficially a teen romantic comedy, this was actually a very impressive piece of work. In a world where the teenage high school film genre is a worn out and tired formula, this movie shined by offering something new. It's funny, smart, witty, and never settled for the cliche.."
".. this film is definitely one of the most timely, intelligent and engaging films to come along in a while. And despite a long runtime, the film, surprisingly, didn't drag. Clever narration. Excellent direction. Fantastic performances. Brilliant Script. What's there not to "Like"?"
"Toy Story 3 continues Pixar's unique tradition of sending grown men out of the theater pretending that they NEVER shed a tear. Amazing visual effects. Beautifully told story. Hilarious characters. Heart. All those combined equal something special.."
"It combined heart-stopping action, mind bending psychological concept and deep emotional conflicts, then wrapped them in a tight, perfectly edited package, and kicked you with them in the face. Every shot, every angle, every sequence of this movie was absolutely stellar. Every plot twist, every line off their script was sheer genius. The pacing was perfect, and the story was destined to become a classic.."
Year-End List 2010: 20 Best Movies
Reviewed by DAM
11:01 PM

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