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Movie Review: Unknown

Well, this film was undeniably entertaining but it seriously left me wanting for more. It's a decent effort that could have been a lot better, if you ask me.

Technically, yes, this was an impressively done film. The visual effects were good, it was action packed with a couple of superb car chases and it had enough twist and turns that somewhat made things interesting. However, the story was just too weak and, at times, shockingly silly to support the incredibly executed action scenes.

I admit, the plot, in itself, was a bit intriguing. The first few minutes showed promise and the set up was actually quite interesting. But for some odd reason, I actually didn't find myself caring for the story or even for the characters. The whole concept also fell flat as the story went all over the place especially towards the end of the movie. To me, it seemed like the writers spent so much time and effort building up the movie's story that they all ran out of ideas on how to end it. Ha! I wouldn't want to spoil anything but the sudden change of role of the lead after the revelation of the twist was surprisingly abrupt for my liking. Just saying.

That being said, I actually thought that there's so much to like about the movie. Aside from the strong impression that it made from it's action sequences, I thought the acting performances were really good across the board. Liam Neeson, in particular, portrayed his role excellently. Diane Kruger and even January Jones gave pretty solid performances.

Overall, I kind of enjoyed the film, if a bit underwhelmed. No, it wasn't perfect and it could've been A LOT better but it was just about what you expect or want from a production under this genre. That is all.

Movie Review: Unknown Reviewed by DAM on 3:18 AM Rating: 5

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