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Movie Review: How Do You Know

No, this isn't the worst movie I've seen, but I admit that I have NEVER had the desire to sleep during a movie.. until now. I mean, I seriously kept thinking that it would get better, but I was wrong.

To me, there is nothing more frustrating than a comedy that is all but non-existent, and a romance that is both distant and lame. This was billed as a romantic comedy and I didn't get any of that! It just didn't work as a comedy - as there weren't enough laughs - and the romantic part wasn't very romantic either.

Somehow the plot dragged, the narrative fell flat and, yes, no kind of excitement whatsoever. There was no climax to the film, nor did I feel any empathy towards any of the characters. It was almost like nobody in this movie cared about anything. I don't know. Maybe it's the insipid script, the uninspiring story, or just the overall banality of the production. Whatever it was, it all contributed to producing a movie that was dull, pretentious and mediocre.

Obviously, no amount of charm from Reese Witherspoon could actually salvage this movie from just being ok, at best. Even she was unable to overcome the weak script. Plus, Paul Rudd was extremely chaotic, and Owen Wilson was.. well, himself. Haha. Heck, I even got nothing from Jack Nicholson that remotely approached comedy, or drama for that matter. It's disappointing.

The film wasn't horrible, really. I just thought that the film could've been executed much better. The problem wasn't the complexity of the material but the unnecessary amount of dialogue they put into it that made it long, verbose and equally unentertaining.

It's a passionless film, that's all.

Movie Review: How Do You Know Reviewed by DAM on 3:21 AM Rating: 5

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