Movie Review: Thor

Of course, the movie delivered on a technical standpoint. It had a plethora of testosterone fueled action and an abundance of mind blowing visual effects, especially the sweeping canvas of Asgard - possibly the most visually impressive film I have seen from Marvel thus far. The production design was also quite impressive. I admit, there were times where it looked a bit fake, but it's almost forgivable based on how spectacular the majority of the special effects were.
Now, a friend told me that the action sequences in this film was minimal compared to it's contemporaries. But while I partly agree with this, I honestly could care less. I mean, the execution of these scenes alone were undeniably great that it was more than satisfying at the very least. Obviously, Thor was like one huge buildup for the Avengers, so nitpicking it for the lack of explosive action packed sequences was a little premature. Don't you think? Personally, Iron Man had the same amount of action scenes.
As for the story, it was pretty much straightforward - just like any other superhero movie - but with a good script, stellar direction and a surprisingly well-timed humor scattered in the film. To me, that humor laced throughout the movie made this incredibly more entertaining. No, it did not take center stage, it didn't detract from the storyline, and it didn't take away from the action, but somehow the hilarious sequences was what made this a cut above the rest. Really.
The casting was also superb as I thought everyone delivered some powerful gravitas to their roles. Chris Hemsworth was perfect for the role of Thor. For someone who's best know for his five-minute appearance as Kirk Sr. in 2009's Star Trek, his portrayal as the lead role was really impressive. Comedy, action, drama and romance - all encompassed perfectly in Hemworth's performance. Natalie Portman, on the other hand, was charming and charismatic as Jane, but I must say that her chemistry with Chris was a bit lacking.
The supporting cast were also pretty solid. Kat Dennings, Anthony Hopkins and Tom Hiddleston all stood out to me. They made the dynamics of this film really interesting, especially Tom Hiddleston, who I now think is the best villain of the Avengers so far.
Thor could have gone either way. This could've been potentially campy and cheesy, but somehow the people behind it turned it into a powerful and strangely relatable story. Possibly the best film Marvel Studios has produced in recent years. Oh, and I'll even go there - the best superhero movie since The Dark Knight. Sue me.
Movie Review: Thor
Reviewed by DAM
3:43 AM

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