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Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2016: #16 Goodbye My Lover - Zheng Jia Wen (郑迦文) / Sing! China

Zheng Jia Wen (郑迦文) | Sing! China

With a massive standard deviation, Goodbye My Lover was, arguably, the most polarizing performance that entered this year's list, but had enough support to offset the jury members that ranked him in the 50s. Sure, the vocals weren't perfect and one jury mentioned that the performance was too long that it came off boring, but one can't deny the purity of his tone and the gorgeous vulnerability that he infused in his delivery.

Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2016: #16 Goodbye My Lover - Zheng Jia Wen (郑迦文) / Sing! China Reviewed by DAM on 12:01 PM Rating: 5

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