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Movie Review: Atomic Blonde

Atomic Blonde looked good, but everything else was an absolute let down. It was quite unfortunate because the film was slick, stylish and had this neon aesthetic that was both gorgeous and icy cold. The action sequences also had some serious spunk. It was brutal. It was mean. It was a no nonsense, kick the crap out of everyone who gets in your way action movie. Even the lack of musical score was oddly refreshing especially in a genre where the use of music underscores the intensity of a fight scene.

Sadly, the narrative was just a complete disjointed mess. The plot was rather simple, but they somehow managed to make it far more complicated and convoluted than it had to be. The script fell flat, the first half horribly dragged, the ending seemed rushed, and while Charlize Theron was spectacular, her lack of vulnerability made the character less relatable.

Atomic Blonde was a vibrantly stylish, but empty action romp. Not an outright waste of money, but I suggest you spend it somewhere else.

Movie Review: Atomic Blonde Reviewed by DAM on 12:47 AM Rating: 5

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