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Music Release: Harry Styles - Two Ghosts "is simple and thoughtful."

Harry Styles, Two Ghosts

Could Two Ghosts be Harry Styles answer to Taylor Swift's Style?

Regardless of connections and 1 + 1, Two Ghosts is probably one of the solid cuts from Harry Style's debut discography. It boasts a classic pop, rock, alternative sound in a current tune. Two Ghosts sounds like a classic hit but somehow it also sounds fresh and now.

The single could mistakenly be thought as a country single too because of its production and the verses beat sounds closely to Lady Gaga's You & I, only less intense. Harry's single is simple and thoughtful and that goes on his approach as well which is basically the story telling of Two Ghosts. There is something lazy with the single though. It needed a bit of dynamics in terms of production while Harry's vocals were more than commendable.

Two Ghosts is certainly not an over the top, best tune from Harry but it is a good continuity of his album's total package. He didn't try so much to fit in but he also didn't set himself in a too peculiar place.

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Music Release: Harry Styles - Two Ghosts "is simple and thoughtful." Reviewed by Etan Musni on 6:19 PM Rating: 5

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