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Movie Review: It

It was possibly one of the most satisfying pieces of cinema I've seen this year. From the very opening sequence, the film created a sense of dread and foreboding in this wonderfully realized, and highly imaginative world where Pennywise existed.

Sure, the story was seemingly derivative and simple, but there was an unexpected complexity to the narrative. The direction was handled really well with some outstanding camera work, the score was both overbearing and stunning, the cinematography was gorgeous and the script was exciting and skillfully paced. The writing was thoroughly compelling, which gave every actor the opportunity to delve into their respective characters with impeccable skill, which also goes without saying that the cast was brilliant. Every single one, regardless of how minor the part was, felt like a complete character and the main cast delivered some powerful stuff.

It was a no holds barred, roller coaster ride that was even darker and creepier than I anticipated, but equally emotional, complex, and shockingly funny and adorable. Don't let me downplay things though with it having more heart and soul than most mainstream movies could ever hope to conjure because this was still a deeply exhausting experience with the image of Pennywise haunting me every now and then. But that made It a rather fantastic horror film. Annabelle, what's good? Haha.

Movie Review: It Reviewed by DAM on 8:58 AM Rating: 5

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