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Movie Review: Crawl

I love myself some good old fashioned horror film - not pretentious and completely self-aware - and Crawl was exactly just that. It was absurd and parts of it had my eyes rolling, but it was also an effective claustrophobic "monster" film. The jump scares were proficient, the alligators (or crocodiles? Not an expert. Haha) looked realistic enough and the actors were convincing - I didn't care much about the characters, but that's that. Also, while it provided minimal character development, it still had more than a movie under this genre would have, which was shocking to me. Crawl on paper should've been f*cking hot garbage, but it was actually bafflingly good. Calculated and convenient? Sure, but it was still an enjoyable contained horror film.

Movie Review: Crawl Reviewed by DAM on 10:30 AM Rating: 5

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