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Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2019: #11 Half The World Away - Rebecca Pettersen / The Voice Norway

Rebecca Pettersen | The Voice Norway

Just a thing of beauty. With those perfectly placed notes, gorgeous tone, and exquisite phrasing, Rebecca breathed new life into the song. It was delicate, and there was a buoyancy and breeziness to the delivery, but mostly to her voice that strangely worked given the emotional lyrics. Half The World Away was well-received by the panel that it's one of the few that didn't rank beyond Top 50. Not too shabby for an incredibly understated performance in a sea of vocal bombast and theatrics.

Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2019: #11 Half The World Away - Rebecca Pettersen / The Voice Norway Reviewed by DAM on 1:11 AM Rating: 5

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