Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2015: #1 Jealous - Cyrus Villanueva / X Factor Australia 7

Cyrus Villanueva
X Factor Australia 7
Look at that! I didn't think there was a clear winner and figured that it will be a too-close to call victory given the outstanding performances across different editions from different countries, but looking at how the voting went, it was pretty clear that Cyrus Villanueva easily won the year with Jealous as the best reality singing show performance of 2015.
There's something to be said about how he managed to capture the emotional drama of the lyrics and the plaintive flow of the melody. Yes, there were a couple of notes that got compromised by his emotions, but that kind of slip-up was better than a note-perfect number void of authentic feeling. Just glorious! The was his last performance on his season, which ended up being the best one for X Factor Australia, and now, for the Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2015.
Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2015: #1 Jealous - Cyrus Villanueva / X Factor Australia 7
Reviewed by DAM
9:00 AM

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