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Movie Review: Beauty and the Beast

Slightly nostalgic, but awfully flat. This Beauty and the Beast live action remake had all the elements to be epic - especially since it stayed largely faithful to the original in terms of storyline - but the end product was shockingly underwhelming. The production design was stunningly exquisite and the film exuded grandiosity that it was an absolute visual feast, but underneath it all was a big pile of nothing. The heart and soul of the original was gone, the emotions were muted, the chemistry between the two leads were almost non-existent, and the acting performances, for the most part, came off slightly phony. Sadly, it was just the mere nostalgia that elevated the film from being terrible to "harmless" territory and I was genuinely expecting it to be, at the very least, good enough that can stand on its own. Beauty and the Beast wasn't terrible by any means, but it was too flat that it made me question, "What was the point of this then?"

Movie Review: Beauty and the Beast Reviewed by DAM on 11:09 PM Rating: 5

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