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Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2018: #8 Lately - James Graham / The Four (Cycle 2)

8. Lately
James Graham | The Four (Cycle 2)

Some argued that James Graham was awfully generic and predictable during his entire run on The Four, but one can't deny the fact that he was churning out impressive performances left and right, and Lately was one of them. His ability to take the melody of the song and tweak it to sound fresh and interesting was his gift complemented by his rock-solid pitch, impeccable range, warm, lush tone, and a real comfort level on stage. The way he scaled the notes higher and higher towards the end was unexpected, but gave his performance outstanding dynamics. He ranked first in one (1) of the jury and seven (7) more within the Top 10.

Olympics of Reality Singing Shows 2018: #8 Lately - James Graham / The Four (Cycle 2) Reviewed by DAM on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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