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Movie Review: It Chapter Two

I can't say I was disappointed with how It Chapter Two actually turned out, but I genuinely felt like this movie lost the magic that the first one had. Sure, the adult casting was incredibly on point and there were still some impeccably executed disturbing scenes with Pennywise, but the film felt extremely lengthy that the "horror" wore off going into the final act. The writing could've been a lot tighter, the pacing was choppy, and did I say the film was too long? One particular subplot/character could've been removed from the movie and the movie wouldn't change one single bit. I also didn’t like the fact that it became more fantasy than horror - although if that’s how it was written in the book, then I digress. It Chapter Two was heavily flawed, but still a decent companion piece to a much better film, It.

Movie Review: It Chapter Two Reviewed by DAM on 7:07 PM Rating: 5

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