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Movie Review: Knives Out

Knives Out was one of the sharpest and most clever murder mysteries I've seen in recent years. The way the film both embraced and subverted its genre was absolutely refreshing. The writing was ingenious, how the film was structured and set up specifically on what information it lets you know early on - a lot more than you'd expect - was quite masterful, the direction was brilliant, and the characters were just downright charismatic. Daniel Craig and his odd accent, in particular, was so over-the-top that I loved every minute of it. Ana De Armas though was mesmerizing and the clear standout in a sea of terrific cast. Knives Out was an intelligently laid out mystery crowdpleaser that deliver on all fronts complemented by an outstanding ensemble. Unnecessarily underrated. Go watch it!

Movie Review: Knives Out Reviewed by DAM on 1:25 PM Rating: 5

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