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Movie Review: Despicable Me 3

While by no means a bad film, Despicable Me 3 just felt unnecessary. The visuals looked impressive, but not more than anything else I've seen from its contemporaries, the voice actors were good, and the story, though annoyingly predictable and tired, exuded some great amount of joy. That being said, the film offered nothing new, it lacked some heart and completely devoid of emotional depth, which was what made the original work - silly, but heartwarming. To me, everything about the film came off like it was designed to increase the potential for selling merchandise - mostly the Minions - and nothing else. Despicable Me 3 was a film created not as an artistic endeavour, but to feed ancillary products of the franchise.

Movie Review: Despicable Me 3 Reviewed by DAM on 5:17 PM Rating: 5

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