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Movie Review: 47 Meters Down

It's hard to expect much from just another approach to a shark film, but there's something awkwardly mediocre about 47 Meters Down from the direction down to the acting. No, I didn't hope for anything Oscar worthy, but while parts of the film successfully created a tensed atmosphere, things became obnoxiously tedious. I thought the script ranged from decent to awfully comical especially how one character kept on repeating the medical description of "the bends", the acting was mostly questionable, and the ending was a little too convenient for my taste. There was a nice little twist towards the end and one particular flare scene got me all hyped up, but other than that, I got nothing. 47 Meters Down was your typical shark movie with characters doing clinically stupid actions just to keep the story moving. Sure, it did tap into my primal fears of the open water, but it was still a pedestrian film.

Movie Review: 47 Meters Down Reviewed by DAM on 10:25 PM Rating: 5

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