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Movie Review: Rough Night

Rough Night was far from the worst film I've seen, but it's one of those that I could simply just skip. Don't get me wrong, this was a perfectly watchable comedy movie that didn't pretend to be more than a vehicle for the comedic abilities of the cast, but I just got absolutely nothing out of it. The narrative was a tad bit too formulaic and lacked a certain degree of creativity to be, at the very least, different, the humor eventually got stale, and the writing of some of these characters were unfortunate - some weren't actually endearing. Kate McKinnon was terribly underused as she got relegated to the sides for the most part. Rough Night did provide some laughs and I thought there was enough great boisterous energy that was quite catching, but by the end of it, I didn't really care.

Movie Review: Rough Night Reviewed by DAM on 9:42 AM Rating: 5

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