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Movie Review: Happy Death Day

I didn't expect much from Happy Death Day other than another throwaway slasher flick with incoherent story and subpar acting performances, but man, the film was quite a hoot! Time loop as a plot device, though hardly new, was used to great effect, the acting performances were surprisingly relaxed and it never took itself too seriously that somehow made this far more refreshing compared to its contemporaries. The tonal shift was a bit jarring though and the motivation of the eventual antagonist was a tad questionable and shallow, but I genuinely didn't mind. It was self-indulgent, witty, campy, and yes, hysterical. No, Happy Death Day wasn't a cinematic monumental achievement, but if you're looking for a film to keep you entertained - just don't expect anything life changing - then this will do the job. No gratuitous gore. No unnecessary sex. Just pure slasher flick fun.

Movie Review: Happy Death Day Reviewed by DAM on 1:08 PM Rating: 5

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