Music Release: Fall Out Boy - Champion "is all sorts of generic work."

If there is something admirable with Fall Out Boy is that they are champions of anthemic singles which makes it fitting that their new single is called, Champion.
Following an underwhelming response to Young and Menace, Fall Out Boy went back to what's been working for them. Champion seems to be the perfect anthem in sports games and rightfully so.
Champion follow the same formula that works with let's say Centuries or Uma Thurman but a little less grittier yet still memorable. What really works is Pete Wentz easily recognizable tone and the production of the single is what is familiar.
Champion is not organically inventive -- not at all. It is all sorts of a generic work. But then something about the song is punch induced and stomp worthy that could probably get annoying when it became a hit -- just like their previous hits.
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Music Release: Fall Out Boy - Champion "is all sorts of generic work."
Reviewed by Etan Musni
5:27 PM

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