The Voice US 13: Playoffs #TeamMiley

On with the show!

Coat of Many Colors
Decent, but nothing remarkable especially since she's up against with Moriah, Janice and Brooke. True, Karli's tone is different and that was her biggest argument for Miley to take to the live shows, but then again, it wasn't particularly impressive. I love her voice, but she had to have something other than a pretty voice. 6.5

Love Hurts
It was a hard song to sing and I thought Adam managed to pull it off quite nicely with his interesting textured tone. That being said, the entire performance came off a little karaoke than I would've wanted. He didn't do anything to make it sound far from the original and that was quite problematic. Plus, it felt like he was pushing his vocals to the edge of his range that it eventually sounded a little strained. 7

When I Think About Cheatin'
Like Karli, Ashland came out with a competent version of the song. It was simple, beautifully performed and vocally good. It wasn't a standout performance, but she did the best she could with the song. The only thing that made this a lot better than Karli or Adam was the fact that her voice sounded a lot stronger than both of them. It was stable, and I didn't even worry for a bit that she would hit a bad note. If she deserved to beat Moriah is another story. 7.5

World Without You
I didn't understand for the life of me why Miley Cyrus dropped her going into the live shows. Other than the wonky belted note at the end of the song, this was a strong vocal performance from Moriah. She delivered it with enough attitude and personality, her vocals were mostly on point, and she looked like a pro despite her young age. Miley royally screwed up with this one. 8

Fall For You
Never been a fan of Janice until Fall For You. Wow. This was quite exceptional. Her vocal control was impeccable and the way she worked on the dynamics of the performance was impressive. I thought the first half was delivered with subtlety and nuance, but when she broke out of that beautiful restraint, the performance just exploded with emotions. Hands down, one of the best performances of the season. 9

It's A Man's Man's Man's World
I genuinely couldn't decide if this was better than Janice - both were equally spectacular - but I went for something that had slightly more gravitas. You see, I've heard this song performed SO MANY times, but Brooke's phrasing had an interesting flow unique to other versions. It didn't sound choppy at all. I thought her transitions were good, her vocals were excellent, and there was passion in her performance. Miley's team is on fire! 9

Brooke Simpson
Janice Freeman
Ahsland Craft
The Voice US 13: Playoffs #TeamMiley
Reviewed by DAM
1:22 AM

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