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Movie Review: Mary Poppins Returns

Eh. Mary Poppins Returns sure had the vibrant colors, the sweeping musical numbers, and endless amounts of charm, but this sequel did absolutely nothing to add to its iconic predecessor. It's competently made and relatively entertaining, but what was the point of this sequel if each scene was beat-for-beat taken directly from the original?

I don't know. Emily Blunt was particularly good and her portrayal stood on its own and some of the cast did great, but that's about it. It had a lot of energy, but the entire film lacked flair. The musical sequences were, for the most part, catchy but never memorable. Lin Manuel Miranda also stuck out like a sore thumb in the film. He was hammier than everybody else and some of his subtleties weren't subtle at all.

Look, a lot of this was really built off of your nostalgia for Mary Poppins that if you haven't seen the first one, you just won't appreciate Mary Poppins Returns and would've been wildly lost with what was going on. Entertaining? Sure. Recommended? Just watch the original.

Movie Review: Mary Poppins Returns Reviewed by DAM on 5:33 PM Rating: 5

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