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Movie Review: Aquaman

On a scale of Suicide Squad to Wonder Woman, Aquaman would fit slightly above Justice League. Haha. This was a heavily flawed, but purposely silly superhero film and I'm not mad about it. Sure, the pacing was problematic - they could've cut this 30 minutes short - some of the narrative came off disappointingly generic, and there's a very Indiana Jones vibe to the story that felt like I was watching a series of entertaining scenes than an actual story, but the craft that was on display here was actually quite impressive. The visual effects were terrific, the movie looked bright and vibrant, and it had some insanely good action sequences. Some of the over-the-top poses were cheesy, but maybe it was meant to be that? Haha. Aquaman wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, but it's another small step to the right direction for DCEU.

Movie Review: Aquaman Reviewed by DAM on 3:02 PM Rating: 5

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